Saturday, September 28, 2024
Rape Cases on the Rise as Girls Walk 5 Miles for Water, Residents cry out to Government for boreholes in Kikyusa-Luwero

  Ladies in Kikyusa-Luwero district are horrified by the increased vice of rape to girls on their way to and from the well. This is because of the lack of clean water in the area, which entails the women to move long distances to fetch water, this opens a door to the rapist.

In the same way, the residents have appealed to the government for clean water they are sharing the available already contaminated well with animals. Nsubuga Abdullah The area chairperson has cried out to the government to avail boreholes in various villages for easy access to clean water. Nsubuga further narrated that this will help to mitigate the widespread vice of rape in this area

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