President Yoweri Museveni has intervened in a land dispute in Kiboga District, involving a group of departed Asians and a local resident, Mr. Badiru Mwanje.
The disputed land, situated in Lwankonge village, Kiboga East, has been a subject of controversy due to double titling, premature eviction, and uncoordinated enforcement.
The dispute began when Patrick Ainebyona, representing the departed Asians, claimed the land belonged to them, citing a freehold title dating back to the 1930s.
However, Mr. Mwanje holds a mailo title for the land, dating over 30 years. Ainebyona's actions led to Mwanje's eviction, which President Museveni deemed illegal.
Museveni emphasized that the rightful owner of the land should be determined by the court, not through forceful eviction. He ordered the arrest of Ainebyona and other trespassers, directing Mwanje to reoccupy the property as the law takes its course.
The President also instructed the Commissioner of Lands and the Director of Public Prosecutions to examine the land titles and determine the proper course of action.
The Minister of Lands, Hon. Judith Nabakooba, confirmed that the disputed land measures 640 acres and has a complex history involving multiple titles. The case is ongoing, with the DPP awaiting a survey report to clarify the exact plot being contested.
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