Sunday, 12 January 2025

    Ukraine investigation just as "Corrupt and Fake as all of the other garbage," Trump says

    President Trump alluded to the Mueller investigation in a tweet today, saying that the “Ukraine investigation is just as Corrupt (sic) and Fake (sic) as all of the other garbage that went on before it.”

    Trump also again claimed House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff “made up” what Trump said on his call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

    Trump’s referring to Schiff’s summary of his call at an open intel hearing.

    From CNN’s fact check at the time: CNN can't endorse Trump's claim that Schiff "lied," since Schiff introduced his comments at Thursday's committee hearing by saying he would be outlining "the essence of what the president communicates," not providing "the exact transcribed version of the call." And it's important to note that we do not even have an "exact transcribed version" of the call -- the rough transcript released by the White House cautions explicitly that it is "not a verbatim transcript."

    Donald J. Trump

    The Ukraine investigation is just as Corrupt and Fake as all of the other garbage that went on before it. Even Shifty Schiff got caught cheating when he made up what I said on the call!

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